Look for the Silver Lining

Angie Anxiety, Appreciation, Awareness, Blessings, Changes, Faith, Giving, Gratitude, Healing, Impact, Inspiration, Intentions, Kindness, Life, Lightworker, Living Well, Love, Mindfulness, Miracles, Opportunity, Path, Patience, Positive, Self-Discovery, Shift, Surrender, Thankful, Thoughts, Trust, Universe, Wellness, World, Worries 8 Comments

“When it was dark, you always carried the sun in your hand for me.” ~Sean O’Casey Dear Universe, In just a couple of weeks, it feels as if our entire world has turned upside down. The coronavirus is officially a worldwide pandemic and we are living in times we have never seen before. Every day we are experiencing a new normal—from …

Holding On and the Gift of Letting Go

Angie Blessings, Choices, Energy, Growing, Letting Go, Moving On, Opportunity, Past, Shift Leave a Comment

“If you keep holding on to the past, the pain will never go away.” ~Jessamine Verzosa Dear Universe, I think some of us are masters at holding onto things long after we should have let them go. It’s easy to hold on. It’s what we’re used to. It’s comfortable and comforting to hang onto what we know. So we hold onto …