“If you just go with the flow, no matter what weird things happen along the way, you always end up exactly where you belong.” ~ Tom Upton
Dear Universe,
It seems lately you’ve been delivering a message to me over and over again. It seems you want me to work on something, something that is not always easy for me to do.
You want me to…. Go. With. The. Flow.
I know! I know I should and I do try and sometimes I even succeed! But something about letting worries go and having complete faith all the time? Well, it can be tough. I like to have some sort of plan. It doesn’t need to be set in stone, but it’s comforting to know what’s ahead.
Letting go and going with the flow doesn’t always feel liberating.
It can feel like a free-fall into the unknown.
Still, I always ask for messages and since this is one you keep sending me, I am doing my best to work on this.
The first time the phrase was delivered was during a psychic reading a couple of weeks ago. Okay, so I may have had a lot of questions for the psychic or I may have been questioning what she was telling me (which was lots of promising stuff so thank you for that). Finally, after gracefully answering my many questions, the psychic leaned forward, smiled and told me me to just, “go with the flow.”
Yup. She said it as if it was as easy as snapping my fingers.
I took the message in. I even wrote it in my journal in big letters. Then I underlined it. Then I added a few exclamation points for good measure!!! This way whenever I went back to look at the notes, I would see it screaming at me.
But, Universe, I think you could sense that days later, I still wasn’t… well, going and flowing. I was more just worrying and wondering, stressing and questioning.
So you sent me another message.
Every week or so I am the lucky recipient of a free tarot reading which somehow is always fitting to what is going on in my life. This particular reading was for the Two of Pentacles.
The message that stood out to me? Yes, it stressed being in the moment, but it was this line that caught my attention: “This card requires that you do not try and force anything to happen, instead go with the flow.”
I laughed out loud. And then I vowed to work harder on this.
Still though, you wanted to be sure I was absolutely going and flowing. So when this third message was delivered, there was no way around it.
A former student sought me out to say hi. She struck up a conversation and then out of nowhere she shared these words with me, “I’m working more on going with the flow. I tend to worry too much. Do you know what I mean?”
If only she knew how much I did! I smiled and encouraged her to yes, go with the flow! It’s the way to be! Now I was passing on the very message that was haunting me.
Somehow saying it someone else though, resonated a little deeper with me.
Thank you for the string of messages that couldn’t be missed. Deep down I do believe that everything happens as it should, with a purpose and precision that makes complete sense, if not in the present, then at some point in the future.
I promise to keep reminding myself of that so I can work on free-falling and free-flowing—and enjoying the ride.
After all, sometimes falling can be the best thing that happens to you.
Much Gratitude,