I understand the idea of a contract. Sign your name on the dotted line and seal your fate. It’s permanent. It’s binding. It’s official.
In other words, it’s a deal that’s difficult to break.
About a year ago I heard the term “soul contracts” and was intrigued to learn more. I planned on reading a book about it, Caroline Myss’ Sacred Contracts, but months went by and it never happened.
A few weeks ago I was reminded of the book when I heard Caroline Myss speaking about it with Oprah. It was only a brief mention, but the idea was ignited again.
To do: buy book and learn about soul contracts.
Yet, when I went to order it, I hesitated.
That’s why when my best friend gave me my birthday gift, I had to laugh. A one night class on Soul Contracts; we would attend together.
It seems you, Universe, wanted me to learn about Soul Contracts too.
Here’s a little about what I took from the night:
* Some people believe that throughout our past lives we made verbal contracts and those promises can help explain what is happening in our present day lives.
* The contracts can be with another soul, a loved one, even our pets. The vows we spoke way back when can range from anything to being loyal, putting others’ needs first, not speaking our mind…. There are too many to list.
* All these contracts are filed away in the Akashic Records. When we enter this life our soul has a blueprint for the things we will work on. Our spiritual guides are aware of the plan and are there for guidance when we ask.
* These soul contracts can help explain struggles, patterns or lessons we encounter.
* In this lifetime we are making soul contracts that will impact our future lives. Be careful with your words, but don’t worry over every little thing you say on a whim. The vows are usually made in a moment of high emotion, like deep despair.
* We took part in a prayer of release and were told in seven days we would notice a difference.
Intrigued, I furiously jotted as much information down as I could. I have noticed patterns in my life before, but this time it made me wonder where they may have originated. Maybe the answers I’m seeking are beyond my time.
Since even my imaginary DeLorean can’t travel that far back, I guess all I can do is work with what knowledge I do have and watch what I say and commit to this time around… just in case.
Thank you for an enlightening night… and a soul sister to share it with. 🙂
Much Gratitude,