Dear Universe, I like commercials. I mean I don’t live for them or anything and if I’m watching a show I’ve recorded on my DVR, I skip the ads. But I’ve also been known to be completely captivated by an ad. Goosebumps? I’ve had those. Tears? Oh, you bet. Give me a good ad any time. I’ll totally buy into …
Feeling the Love
Dear Universe, It has been a draining and emotional week. The tragedy at the Boston Marathon has left everyone heartbroken and shocked. But, in the midst of this I’ve seen such kindness and thoughtfulness that it has been uplifting. As soon as the news hit that day, I was inundated with phone calls, texts and emails from family and friends …
On Baggage
“You can’t reach for anything new if your hands are still full of yesterday’s junk.” ~Louise Smith Dear Universe, We all have baggage. I’m not talking about the suitcases we pack to go on trips. I’m talking about the heavy emotional baggage we carry every day, the kind that chips away at our edges, the kind that weighs on our …
Don’t Worry, Doll
Dear Universe, As much as I try not to be, I’m a worrier. I worry about the future—which is pretty understandable. Sometimes I worry about the present and what I’m doing in the now. And on particularly worrisome days, I worry about the past and how it’s effecting the present and future! It’s exhausting. Other times I worry about my …
April Fools’
Dear Universe, I’m a fan jokes. I’m a fan of laughing as often as possible, preferably to the point where my stomach hurts and I have tears streaming down my face. But my humor is more of the dry and witty variety or the plain just being silly with my girlfriends kind. And when I’m overtired? Watch out. My goofiest …
More Freebies!
Dear Universe, Yesterday I did some cleaning up around the house. I did the normal weekly stuff like laundry, vacuuming, sorting through the mail… And that’s when I remembered! Speaking of freebies, I get a lot of magazines sent to me free of charge. Now before the naysayers start doubting me, be assured I’ve checked credit card statements and I …
Dear Universe, I like free things. Well really, who doesn’t? I like the free beauty samples that the friendly checkout girl at my drugstore always includes when she’s packing my items. These last couple of months I’ve scored shampoo, conditioner, hair treatments, toothpaste and lotion. I like when you place an online order and the package arrives with perfume or …
Do Not Disturb
Dear Universe, Okaaaay, I admit it. Lately, I’ve been a little antsy, impatient, on edge, anxious… Well, you get the idea. I think this stems from my overworking/under-sleeping state. Meaning, I know this will pass. But I just can’t believe it’s 2013 and that March is almost over! Spring is hours away! (Not that you can tell with Winter Storm …